
In this family, there are little sac-like lobules on the leaves, and sometimes they are present on the underleaves as well. Something you need a dissecting microscope to see. The plants in this family are quite amazing when viewed under magnification. The leaves and underleaves are seen as a mass of cilia.

Lepidolaena clavigera

Usually grows on the bark of trees or fallen logs in damp areas.


This image shows the underside with the sac-like lobes of the leaves.


Lepidolaena hodgsoniae

This species is a pale green colour, making it quite noticeable amongst other "mossy stuff".

Note: the thin thread-like plant in this image is not L. hodgsoniae.


Lepidolaena taylorii

This is the most common of this group, but is often overlooked because it is very tiny.

Although it likes to grow where there is a lot of dampness, if it is also exposed to the light it will develop a more brownish colour.


This image shows the underside with the sac-like lobes of the leaves.


liverwort index